AP-390 薄層自流平水泥是澳恒公司為修復混凝土地面的麻面,為水性環(huán)氧地坪漆、水性聚氨脂等薄涂地坪漆一次性提供一個堅硬、耐磨、平滑而具有一定厚度(2-3mm)的中涂層而設計的一款自流平水泥。該產品可一次性的替代地坪漆施工中的砂漿層、膩子層。簡化了地坪漆的施工流程和人工成本,同時可以滿足客戶對地坪漆需求的厚度。
AP-390 thin layer self leveling cement is a self leveling cement designed by Aoheng Company to repair the rough surface of concrete floors and provide a hard, wear-resistant, smooth and thick (2-3mm) intermediate coating for water-based epoxy floor paint, water-based polyurethane and other thin coated floor paints in one go. This product can replace the mortar layer and putty layer in the construction of floor paint in one go. Simplified the construction process and labor cost of floor paint, while meeting the thickness requirements of customers for floor paint.
1. 抗壓強度高(約55MPa),可用于重載地面;
2. 抗折強度高(約11MPa),可薄層延展;
3. 粘結強度高,不脫層;
4. 無收縮,不開裂;
5. 施工簡單,與批刮地坪漆中涂層一樣;
6. A級防火,環(huán)保無毒;
7. 快干快硬,12小時可上人;
8. 具有一定的防潮功能。
1. High compressive strength (about 55MPa), suitable for heavy-duty floors;
2. High flexural strength (about 11MPa), capable of thin layer extension;
3. High bonding strength, without delamination;
4. No shrinkage or cracking;
5. The construction is simple, just like the coating in the batch scraping floor paint;
6. A-level fire prevention, environmentally friendly and non-toxic;
7. Quick to dry and hard, can take up to 12 hours to get on board;
8. It has a certain moisture-proof function.